Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hello intrepid readers! So it's been awhile since last I posted. I've been hard at work getting ready for a wedding that is about 6 weeks off still. In the same time I've enrolled at UVU and done some job interviews. My first feeling has been that if I got a job offer before the last day to drop classes, I would accept the offer. But I've talked to the director of the Graphic Design program at UVU and he has reviewed my portfolio. He saw some interesting things but felt I still needed a lot of work. This was a bit of a bitter pill to swallow. I worked hard at Stevens-Henager, and did really well there. But I realized that while I learned a lot at S-H, what I didn't get was in-person hands-on advice and critique of my work. I learned quick turn-around times and short deadlines, and the use of the computer programs to do the work. What I didn't get was the time to hone my craft as a designer. I'm still waiting to hear back on an exciting job I interviewed for a couple of weeks ago, but I'm also excited about the classes I'm in this semester. So I may have a bit of a choice on my hands. If they do offer the job, do I take it, or do I stay in school?

Me working full-time in a graphic design job has a lot of benefits. Bringing in money and possibly benefits will take a lot of financial pressure of us as Am and I get married. It will also be good to have real-world experience to add to my resume. Being in school means that I'll only be able to work part-time. And I'll still be super busy with only very little money coming in, for three years, but it'll seriously benefit my craft as a designer. Choices, choices...


Christine said...

Stay in school!!!!

Okay, it's totally up to you and Am and prayer and the Lord.

BUT... speaking as one who is preparing to have her husband go back to school (and he went military because of spiritual promptings, not for the money) it is harder to go back then to stay in.

Unless prompted otherwise, the short-term benefits of a little extra cash are no match for the long-term benefits of a degree, especially in today's world. You may say "I'll go back some day" but find it harder said then done. (I think you've experienced that to an extent, but adding a family in the mix increases the difficulty.) It's possible, but I say the sooner the better.

I think that was more then my two cents - more like a quarter, but there you go.

These are always tricky decisions to make and of course you and Am are the ones entitled to the inspiration.
Good luck!

Tim said...

Generally, I'd say school--but there are fields where work experience is more important than a degree.
What's more important to future employers? A degree, or a couple of years of experience? Or do you need both?