Monday, October 5, 2009

Less Than Five Days

I don't know how much it has set in yet that my world is completely changing in less than five days. I started trickling my things over to Am's condo a few days ago. Hopefully it won't take too long before it feels like OUR place. It'll be SO nice to cut the small commute out of our schedules. And to settle into a married schedule. While dating and including the engagement we've tried to spend as much time together as we could, and our sleep habits have gotten wonky. It'll be nice to be together AND get a good night's rest. But there are so many other adjustments to be made and discussions to have. But I am ready to get into it. I don't think I'll miss being single too much.

School is going well. My classes are fun and challenging, and are definitely learning experiences. I am seeing that my time at S-H was good preparation for UVU, but I still have a lot to learn.

We've decided to go down to Cedar City instead of the Oregon Coast. Less driving, more resting, less cold, more warmth. Oregon will come at some point for us, I still think it will be fun, but we don't need to have a second vacation to recuperate from the first.


Tim said...

I'm excited for you.
I like married life better than being single, but it takes getting used to, and there are some up-sides to being single that you may miss.
But being married to a good woman is a lot better than being single (or engaged).
Good luck with the last-minute wedding plans!

Cougarg said...

So much for the "being together AND getting a good night's rest"!

Cougarg said...

that former comment was written by Am. Dont know why I'm signed in as Cougarg....