Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Holding on to the Bitter End

And boy is it bitter. Sales seem to be slowing, just at the time they should be speeding up. I wanted 180 installs for the summer, and now it looks like I'll be lucky to hit 140. That is a difference of thousands of dollars for me. I'm still making more than I would have in Provo, but not anywhere near the amount I was expecting to get. But I have also sacrificed my social life for this job as well. I'm on call from noon to 9, so if I start something and then get a job, I have to drop what I'm doing and go. So I haven't gotten to know anybody very well here. I can't wait for the summer to be over. At least then I can start having a social life again.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You're not too far away.

Tim said...

Crappy hours. Working evenings is no fun.
A few more weeks, and you'll once more be in happy valley.

caron said...

Social lives are highly overrated. :0) Just think, in a while it will all be but a happy memory. Or just a memory.