Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Seven Swans a Swimming...

Workdays: 7
Installs: 133
Average to finish: 1.7142857

So I've been rather disgruntled about my time in Denver. Long hours, high expectations, not enough work, I could go on or a while. Anyways, I've been looking forward to the time I could leave the company behind. Last night the head technician who is in town starts talking to the other guy in my apartment about coming back as a lead tech next year. There are alot of incentives. The other guy feels even more strongly about not coming back than I do. Well, he starts thinking about it after hearing some of the details. And I think to myself, "Nothing can convince me to come back." But then I think about the incentives, and decide if they open an office in Philadelphia that I might think about coming back. Then I go to my first install today and it takes 10 hours. The sales guy told them it would take 1. I had to re-talk them into getting the system at one point. But I wasn't so sure that our system was better than theirs. But I did it because I need the install to make my goal before I leave. I didn't like that feeling at all. After talking things over with the head tech we found a way to make things better for them, but I still don't like that feeling that I had to re-sell the system when it wasn't going to be what they were lead to believe it was. Ick.

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